Exploring AI Tools
We're exploring AI tools and what they might bring to our work. For the moment at least its fun and creative and there are some useful applications. Here are a few of the tools we've been playing with.
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Embodying the Unconscious
It is official, 'Embodiment is Hip'. Somatics, Body-Mind, Affective Touch...more and more these concepts are being discussed in different research fields and modalities. The connection between Body and Mind, or indeed their inseparability, is now taken as a fact. But too often this connection remains a ‘theoretical’ concept.
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Make A Song and Dance About it
India's Bollywood brings to life the most mundane and magical moments of our day-to-day, transforming them into vibrant, expressive, and emotive anthems. The physical, emotional, and vocal range of Bollywood's song and dance scenes (and routines) is as wide as it is deep. The ways in which it blesses its audiences with generational wisdom and poetic insight is nothing but scripted genius. How might this inspire of our ways of learning?
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Rap: Poetry's Gateway Drug - Education Language & Change
The Golden age of Hip Hop was 25 years ago. Get over it ¹. But poetry is alive and well. And about to enter its own golden era... Rap is a gateway drug to poetry. It is culturally inevitable that young listeners (and artists) develop linguistic intelligence over years of devouring words. Think how social commentary has evolved from Grandmaster Flash to Kendrick Lamar in 35 years. Lyrics go deeper, rhyme patterns more complex, metaphors more abstract.
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“Hoy por ti, mañana por mi” Today for you, tomorrow for me. Ayni is a beautiful and powerful quechua (indigenous Peruvian language) word that means harmony, balance, sacred reciprocity. Ayni is at the heart of the Andean Cosmovision. Is in the hearts and minds of the Q’eros that live in the Peruvian mountains. Ayni is also gratitude, respect, honor and reciprocal living. Ayni is about recognizing that all of life exists in a sacred balance of give and take.
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Self-organising spaces
You don't need an invitation, no application is required, or selection applied. Just check yourself in.
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The magic of minimalism
The seminal ‘In C’ by Terry Riley is a beautiful, rich, complex composition – performed by up to 50 musicians over an hour or so – and it’s played from just a single sheet of score. Its a powerful manifesto for co-creation and offers up some wonderfully alluring ideas for learning.
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Lifelong learning has a new name: Dagu
In the present-day eleventh-hour context, learning design increasingly serves to dismantle, shift, and transform unhealthy systems in the social, political, economic, and ecological realms. Consequently, our learning is increasingly situated in problem-arenas characterised by deep complexity and connectivity, meaning that our approach and our commitment to learning must also reflect this phenomenon.
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The Square
The Square is a sanctuary of trust and caring.. ..or is it a doorway into chaos? In Ruben Ostlund’s jaw dropping new movie The Square, Christian, the self-confident director of a Stockholm modern art museum is confronted by his own prejudice whilst curating an exhibition.
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In our daily existence we give and take space with our every movement. We inhabit spaces as they too inhabit in us. This blog nudges us to notice the nature of public/shared spaces and how we correspond to them. Do we compromise the nature of ourselves in order to fit into the world around us? And how can we create more spaces that allow us to be, rather than requires us to be?
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